Learning Beyond the Classroom TEST
— Parent
Learning Beyond the Classroom Programs
Hover over the programs below to learn more.

Super Readers After-School Literacy Support
Super Readers After-School Literacy Support
Many children need opportunities to hone their reading skills beyond the school day. DEEP’s Super Readers before/after school literacy program supports emerging readers at partner schools.

Super Tuesdays & Thursdays After-School Enrichment
Super Tuesdays & Thursdays After-School Enrichment
Super Tuesdays is an after-school enrichment program offered to children at DEEP partner schools on their weekly half-day.

Summer Readers / Future Leaders
Summer Readers / Future Leaders
Summer Readers – Future Leaders (SRFL) is a 5 - week, full-day literacy-enriched program serving students in entering grades 1-3 attending DEEP partner schools. Children engage in high-quality early literacy morning instruction and afternoons packed with STEAM-based enrichment activities.
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Many children need opportunities to hone their reading skills beyond the school day. DEEP’s Soaring Readers before/after school literacy program supports emerging readers at partner schools.
Certificated teachers lead small-group learning opportunities focused on phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and reading comprehension.
Over 100 children are currently participating in this program.
"Being able to meet with a small group of students who are willing to extend their day of learning and receive targeted instruction in reading comprehension is a great use of our time.”
- Soaring Readers Teacher
Super Tuesdays is an after-school enrichment program offered to children at DEEP partner schools on their weekly half-day.
This program includes small-group reading, writing, and STEAM-based enrichment activities.
Watch the video below!
Summer Readers – Future Leaders (SRFL) is a 5 - week, full-day literacy-enriched program serving students in entering grades 1-3 attending DEEP partner schools. Children engage in high-quality early literacy morning instruction and afternoons packed with STEAM-based enrichment activities.
DEEP and its implementing partners have delivered this program to over 1100 children in 10 summers.
"As long-standing partners in DEEP’s high quality collaborative work, we are proud to be a part of DEEP's dedication to ensuring that children in southeastern San Diego enter kindergarten prepared for success and complete third grade reading proficiently."
- DEEP Partner