“Thank you for the opportunity and for listening to us. I told the teacher that [my child’s] word soup was small and by the end it was bigger.” – DEEP Parent
“Thank you for the opportunity and for listening to us. I told the teacher that [my child’s] word soup was small and by the end it was bigger.” – DEEP Parent
“Community and school partnerships are vital to student success. The DEEP partnership helps our schools strengthen bridges across community, home, and school. These partnerships are essential for public school survival.” – Bruce Bivens, Area Superintendent, SDUSD
“Being able to meet with a small group of students who are willing to extend their day of learning and receive targeted instruction in reading comprehension is a great use of our time!” – Super Readers Teacher
“DEEP has given me the tools to learn a better way to teach, learn, listen and understand. I know there is more information to be obtained and DEEP is a resource tool for me.” – DEEP Childcare Provider
“Since enrolling my daughter in DEEP’s 1,000 Books Before Kinder, she can’t wait to read together every day and talk about everything in the book!” – DEEP Parent
“Angel had a lot of fun. He was very excited when the rocket flew up! My other children also really liked it and were trying to borrow it from him.” – DEEP Parent
“I loved being in the classrooms and seeing the rich content students were engaging in. The books that staff and students had access to were fantastic. I loved how collaborative the teachers were, how they worked together to create and share intellectually stimulating content for the students based on literature.” – Partner Survey Feedback
“Working with the Literacy Instructors was a joy! Their commitment to the program was superlative. Seeing how collaborative the teams were across the two sites was inspiring.” – Partner Survey Feedback
“The most rewarding part of participating in the DEEP program was to witness kids significantly increase their visual critical thinking skills. It was rewarding to see that they are learning to think beyond what is right in front of them, and question what they see.” – Partner Survey Feedback
“As a member of the California Reading & Literature Project’s Lead Teacher Network, I work with both administrators and resource teachers to collaborate and grow my leadership capacity. With an emphasis on empowering both teachers and students, the Lead Teacher Network promotes implementing researched-based best practices in the classroom and meeting the needs of the whole child.” – William Schweitzer, Resource Teacher Webster Elementary School
“My name is Janice Anderson and I have been a reading instructor for Summer Readers Future Leaders for the past seven years. You may ask why do I keep spending part of my summer vacation in this way. My answer is simple, I have seen first hand how students improve in reading and writing as a result of five weeks of focused literacy instruction.” – Janice Anderson, M.A., 3rd Grade Teachers, Class Dojo Mentor, Johnson Magnet or S.T.E.M. Elementary School
“Our happy DEEP moment is that every time she would get a prize for reaching a 100th goal, she got so happy and that motivated her to read even more. The result of this is that now she loves to read when before she didn’t.” – Layla’s mom, Lucia
“My experience with the workshops is that it has given me a motivation to do more activities with the children. I have learned that these workshops are very valuable to me because they motivate me a lot; they are a great instrument for me. The materials that they give us are very useful too! The kids love to do yoga now! As a result of attending the workshops I have been more consistent with teaching the children. I have seen great results.” – Reyna
“With an emphasis on empowering both teachers and students, the Lead Teacher Network promotes implementing research-based practices in the classroom and meeting the needs of the whole child.” – BJ Schweitzer, Teacher, Webster Elementary
“My name is Janice Anderson and I have been a reading instructor for Summer Readers Future Leaders for the past seven years. You may ask why do I keep spending part of my summer vacation in this way. My answer is simple, I have seen first hand how students improve in reading and writing as a result of five weeks of focused literacy instruction.” – Janice Anderson, M.A., 3rd Grade Teachers, Class Dojo Mentor, Johnson Magnet or S.T.E.M. Elementary School
“With an emphasis on empowering both teachers and students, the Lead Teacher Network promotes implementing researchbased practices in the classroom and meeting the needs of the whole child.” – BJ Schweitzer, Teacher, Webster Elementary